As you may or may not know, I have done some much needed updating on the site.
The New Face of Android Advantage

I completely changed the logo of the site, making it glossy and up to date. It is giving me and my followers a "fresh" start, and sending this site into the new year with potential. As Android fans, we need to make sure we have available resources for news and information, tips/guides, ect. And when you came to this site to see a sad attempt of a recreational variation of the Android Man, that doesn't reassure you.

Clean slate or not, I still promise that same Three R's like in my first article, and I have kept those promises up to this point. Consider this my first "off topic" article, even though it's very relevant.

If you like the updated logo/changes, or have any comments or concerns, feel free to email me at jryanwhitney[at]yahoo[dot]com.

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